Valentine’s Day, who doesn’t know about this day. The reason behind the celebration of 14th Feb is Saint Valentine. There are a few stories about Saint Valentine. Some stories describe Valentine as a priest and even mention that he served as a priest at the time of emperor Claudius II. According to Claudius II, single men are better soldiers compared to the ones with families and wives.
Valentine, like a good man, stood up to injustice and began performing secret marriages for young couples. As a result, the emperor found out and ordered the saint to be put to death. There are other tales as well which tell that saints may have been killed at the time of helping Christians to escape the harsh Roman prisons. These Roman prisons tortured. Saint Valentine grew in popularity over time, and couples all over the world began to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a day of love.
So this was about Saint Valentine. Now, we will be looking at Valentine’s Day Traditions followed around the world.
Get some mens underwear style tips for Valentine’s Day as well.
1. Argentina
Argentinians don’t believe in celebrating only 14th Feb, rather they believe in celebrating “the week of sweetness” in July. Lovers express their love by exchanging kisses and sending chocolates and other sweets.
If you are an Argentinian and wish to celebrate this tradition, we suggest you do some preparations. One of them is wearing or purchasing the right form of men’s lingerie. To express your love towards your partner, you need to feel confident from within. Therefore, we are suggesting styles like men’s jockstrap and bikini underwear due to their lightweight features.

2. France
When Charles, the Duke of Orleans sent love letters to his wife from the prison in the year 1415. Hence, it is believed France was behind the occurrence of the first-ever Valentine’s Day card. Further, between 12th and 14th February, the entire village called “Valentine” turns into the epicenter of romance. From beautiful yards to the trees and houses decorated with love cards, you will spot everything. Hence, it is one of the beautiful Valentine’s traditions.
3. South Korea
The kind of Valentine’s tradition South Korea follows is completely different from the other traditions followed around the world. On this day romantic couples of South Korea celebrate the day of love on the 14th of each month. For example, “the day of roses” is celebrated in May, the days in June are all about “the day of kisses” and “the day of hugs in December”. You might be surprised to know that single people celebrate “the black day” in April by eating black noodles.
To enhance the charm of this tradition slightly more, go ahead with underwear styles like men’s jockstrap, men’s boxer briefs, and so on.
4. Philippines
Valentine’s Day is a time when many young couples in the Philippines married in a government-sponsored event as a form of public service. This is a gala event in the country and a special day for young people, and it is one of the most magnificent Valentine’s Day celebrations around the world.

When an occasion is so grand you cannot compromise with your appearance. Looking good is mandatory and that is the reason why we are recommending you either with men’s jockstrap underwear or men’s bikini underwear. Both styles of male lingerie are comfortable, lightweight, and easy to handle. Moreover, there is no question about being caught up in sweat and skin irritation.
5. Ghana
On 14th Feb, Ghana celebrates “National Chocolate Day” and not Valentine’s Day. Surprising right. To increase tourism in the country, the Ghana government came up with this idea in the year 2007.
On this occasion, you can attend performances, music events, as well as restaurants having themed menus which can make your day more special.
6. Bulgaria
Bulgaria celebrates Valentine’s Day in its style and they celebrate San Trifon Zartan which represents “day of winemakers”. Couples whether young or old, celebrate this day with a glass of wonderful local wine.
7. Wales
In Wales, Valentine’s Day is observed unusually. The “day of San Dwynwen,” which falls on January 25, is the country’s day of love. On this day, couples give each other handcrafted wooden spoons that are one of a kind. Since the 16th century, this custom has been followed.
8. Spain
Spain celebrates its Valentine’s Day on the 9th of October. In most parts of Spain, the event is commemorated with the creation of a marzipan figurine known as a’macadora.’ Men make the figurines to give to their female companions. Colorful parades can also be seen in the streets of Spain’s villages.

9. SouthWest China
The “Sisters’ Meal” celebration is held on March 15th in Miao, southwest China. Women wear silver accessories and stunning dresses during the event, which is one of the most beautiful Valentine’s Day traditions in the world. They prepare a variety of colored rice dishes that are served on silk cloth to young males going down the street. The fate of the lovely is located inside the chosen rice object. Two chopsticks denote love, whereas a garlic clove denotes the end of a relationship before it has even begun.
10. Denmark
Although Valentine’s Day is a relatively young Danish celebration, the country honors the day of love and passion on February 14th in a unique way. Valentine’s Day in Denmark isn’t only about roses and chocolates. Snowdrops are pressed white flowers that are exchanged between friends and lovers.
11. Romania
Romanians will not disappoint you if you’re looking for a romantic and uncommon Valentine’s Day celebration around the world. The day when young couples become engaged is commemorated on February 24th. It’s a mash-up of Valentine’s Day and springtime celebrations. Young men and women travel to the trees to collect bright flowers, while other couples bathe their cheeks with snow as a good luck symbol.
12. Estonia
Estonia commemorates Sobrapaev, or Friendship Day, on February 14th. Everyone is welcome at this fantastic festival, from couples to singles. So it’s not just couples that exchange presents and celebrate love; it’s also family members and friends.
13. Japan
Japan approaches it uniquely. It is observed on February 14th, that ladies purchase gifts and chocolates for their male partners or boyfriends. Men are not allowed to return presents until March 14, often known as “white day.”
14. Czech Republic – Celebrate Romance
Valentine’s Day has progressively gained popularity among young people in the Czech Republic. In the country, the celebration is held on May 1st. Young couples go on a pilgrimage to the poet Karol Hynek Macha’s statue and kiss under the cherry trees for good luck on this day.
15. Brazil
In Brazil, the “Dia dos Namorados” event, often known as “Lovers Day,” is observed. Chocolates, cards, and flowers are commonly exchanged, and music festivals and dancing performances can be seen. During the occasion, gifting is not limited to couples; family dinners are prevalent.
16. England
Women in England used to put five bay leaves on their pillows on Valentine’s Day. This was done to bring their prospective husbands’ aspirations to life. For Valentine’s Day in Norfolk, Jack Valentine dresses up as Santa. Children look forward to seeing Santa, but they are unable to see Old Father Valentine.

17. Italy
Italians used to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a spring holiday. Another Italian valentine’s day tradition was for young, single couples to get up early on Valentine’s Day to look for their future husband. Italians nowadays commemorate Valentine’s Day by exchanging presents between couples and hosting romantic dinners.
18. Slovenia
St Valentine is one of the patron saints of spring in Slovenia. Plants are thought to begin to rejuvenate on February 14, as this is the first day of working in the fields for the New Year. Another prevalent myth is that on this day, birds ‘propose’ to each other. It is necessary to walk barefoot through fields that are frequently still frozen to watch this event.
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